Harding Rams Athletic Hall of Fame

 Harding Rams Athletic Hall Of Fame Nomination Form

Important Criteria Information

  • Background research and the presentation of the nominee’s accomplishments are the full responsibility of the person(s) making the nomination.

  • Please include as much detail as possible when listing accomplishments. Information may include:
    - A. Extraordinary Sports Accomplishments at Harding
    - B. Conference/City/Regional/State/National Honors while at Harding
    - C. Additional Athletic Background (College, Pro, Olympics, etc….

For additional consideration, please include the following:

  • A. Education

  • B. Awards And Accomplishments

  • C. Community Service D. Leadership Positions

- Nominations and supporting information are accepted from family, friends, alumni, and other community resources

- Nomination to the Hall of Fame may include living or deceased candidates

- Entire teams will be considered for Hall of Fame recognition. However, any team considered must have at least won their Conference Championship

- Players, Teams, and Coaches are all allowed to be nominated and considered for the Hall Of Fame

- Nominees should have reached the pinnacle in their sport if absolutely possible post-high school.

- The Nomination Review Committee reserves the right to consider extraordinary cases of athletic performance when necessary. (Example, could not perform due to injury, death, etc...)